Laminate flooring can be used with underfloor heating under specific and specialised conditions.

Laminate underfloor heating requirements

Laminate flooring can be used with underfloor heating under specific and specialised conditions.
Both electrical and water heating systems can be used with no significance in variation of effects to the laminate floor, however certain parameters have to be established prior to installation and during the daily running of this heating system.

Normally under floor heating (UFH) systems will be effective on all laminate flooring products with thickness of 8mm – 12mm.

General requirements are:

  1. Heating system cannot exceed 80W/m2.
  2. It MUST have the heat distributed evenly throughout the whole floor, with, preferably an even floor coverage of minimum of 85% of heating.
  3. Must have its pre-establishing set up done 14 days prior to installation of floor. Please read and strictly follow the instructions of the heating manufacturer and our laminate flooring installations instructions.
  4. At no time should the temperature of the timber flooring exceed 27°C / 81°F, at source (under the floor from the probe) while using underfloor heating.
  5. Thermostats must be operational from the source. i.e. under the floor panels and NOT ambient.
  6. No heavy textile floor covering should be placed over the heated floor. If light carpets or rugs are used, the temperature under the textile floor coverings MUST NOT exceed 27°C. Plus no latex/rubber backed rugs are to be used, these will damage your floor.

Specific requirements.

  1. Using underfloor heating, the heating system has to cover a minimum of 85% of the entire living area. Spot heating or specific area heating within a larger floor is not permitted.
  2. The heating elements and its heating temperature must be lower than 27°C / 81°F. The timber floor surface temperature must not exceed 27°C / 81°F.
  3. The heating element that covers the entire area must be able to distribute heating temperature that is even over the entire floor area. Excessive heat concentration in one area will cause uneven heat across the floor and will cause deformation movement in the floor.
  4. The heating system must be properly installed and have its initial run 14 days prior to installation, to allow for any excess moisture, in the screed, to evaporate prior to timber floor installation.
  5. The heating system used must be able to efficiently control and limit the surface temperature very accurately, hence the use of thermostats operating at the source, i.e. under the floor panels.
  6. Using textile floor coverings, carpets or rugs will increase the surface of the installed timber floor. As such the timber floor surface temperature beneath these floor covering must be monitored not to exceed 27°C /81°F. DO NOT USE rubber/Latex backed rugs/carpets.
  7. When using underfloor heating, the vapour barrier installed with the flooring has to be as close as possible to the flooring as possible. There shouldn’t be any space between the vapour barrier and the flooring to avoid easy exchange of moisture.
  8. Heated rooms must be checked for proper draught proofing, insulation of windows and entrances, and room space including ceiling heights, to maintain an even heat throughout the covered area of flooring within that living space.
  9. Living areas should be kept to a relative humidity of between 30% to 60%, as this is the ideal climate for flooring.

Should the above conditions be met and adhered to, heating using electrical or warm water systems may be used with our laminate flooring. 

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